Small Wedding Venues Glasgow – Mary-Ann & Jamie

Jun 1, 2019 | blog, previous weddings, Recent work

Small Wedding Venues Scotland

Small Wedding Venues Glasgow. Jamie (Or Jambo) is a bit of a hero of mine – we actually went to school together when we were like 10/11 years old, lost contact for nearly 20 years and then fate brought us back together through the medium of martial arts!

The reason Jambo is a hero is because he shed a ridiculous 9 stone for his first fight! (For real, here’s a new article about it) WHIT! That’s more than a full Corinne! Total legend and an absolute heart of gold to match, we couldn’t say Yes quick enough when he asked us to be part of his big day with the lovely Mary-Ann (They even asked me at a Thai boxing show… there’s a theme here!)

Anyway, the day was an absolute cracker – It’s so funny, I’ve seen Jamie fight full contact Muay Thai (Like, getting punched and kicked by another human being…) but I have never seen him look so nervous as when me and Corinne arrived at the venue (Think the first photo says it all). You’d think marrying the love of your life would be less nerve-wracking than having your face punched in… apparently not.

Thai Boxing aside, this wedding was so nice – Small, intimate, family-focused, close friends, no-frills – Just love and marriage! It was amazing. Oh, and we got some of the best macaroni and cheese we’ve ever had in our life at the hotel, food of the gods!

We took the guys up the hills of Old Kilpatrick too – Honestly, the photos we got up there – EPIC! Absolutely Epic. Who needs Glen Coe when you’ve got the Humphrey!

We love Small weddings like this, the couple shoots can still be epic! (if you book the right photographer that is.) GET IN TOUCH!


Small Wedding Venues Glasgow


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