Winter Dalduff Barn Wedding
The Scottish wedding community has truly blessed me! I’ve met so many inspiring photographers and business owners who’ve helped my business reach new heights. In this community, it’s all about collaboration, not competition – that’s what makes it so special to be part of.
One of these people is the incredible Lauren Stirling of Lauren Stirling Photography. So when the opportunity arose to assist her at Dalduff Barn, one of my favourite venues, I jumped at the chance.
The beauty of having two photographers is that you can have both preps covered. So it was up to me to photograph Alan and the Lads. (As well as a cheeky appearance from the fantastic Grant MacLeod, The Munro Bagpiper
Winter Dalduff Barn Wedding
Claire Digance – Claire the Humanist
Another very welcome surprise was that the ceremony was conducted by none other than Claire Digance AKA Claire the Humanist! I could write a whole blog on why Claire is the best (In fact, I actually did) and today was no different. Nothing else to say other than she is the best – End of.
Dalduff Barn Winter Wedding
Winter weddings can be tough – it’s freezing cold, but oh man, that crisp sunshine is gorgeous! The moment Dani took her jacket off, the chill hit her, but luckily her new hunk of a husband, Alan, was there to sweep her in and keep her warm.
These two were absolute champs out in the freezing cold – Think we can all agree their faces dont show it – excuse the pun but the warmth between these two was absolutely perfect.
Another Bonus about getting married in the winter is you can get cool sparklers shots like these and not have to wait about until like 11pm for it to get dark.
What a party! Lauren, thank you so much for letting me come along and share Dani & Alan’s special day – Cracking couple, cracking venue and cracking main photographer! Thank you!
- Lead Photographer – Lauren Stirling Photography
- Venue –Dalduff Barn
- Celebrant – Claire Digance AKA Claire the Humanist
- Videographer – MacDonald Studio Films
- Piper – Grant MacLeod, The Munro Bagpiper